Problem with Airiti Library translator [update]

edited May 13, 2022
See: 10.30126/JoS.202203_(1).0007

When I click the (save to Zotero Airiti) import icon the saving popup shows that the item is saving but nothing is saved after several minutes. I can export the item in RIS and import it into Zotero. Entering the DOI into the magic wand does not find the item but entering the DOI into will link to the article.


edit: update
I can get the needed metadata and abstract by following the following process:

From the publication index page (for each issue) copy the DOI
Enter the DOI into
This will bring up the individual article webpage that offers export options
Export using the RIS option and copy the abstract from the article webpage.
They do not use ISO 639 abbreviations but Chinese characters to indicate the language of the article (either in traditional Chinese or in English)
The header provides author names, the abstract, volume and issue, first and last pages, and the DOI.
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