how to get changes to a reference in one library to transfer to another library

I have a group library where group members are adding references. I've been sweeping those references over to a main library in My Library on my hard drive. Once they are in both, if one of us makes a change (to fix a spelling mistake, for instance), if we try to copy the reference over to the other library, it doesn't update it. It seems you need to delete it first and replace it. Is this the case? Am I missing something?

The reason I ask is that my word documents all reference 'My library' but I have been using the group library so my research assistant can add references I've asked her to look up. I want to sweep these into 'my library' , but the tricky part is if I sweep one in and my research assistant finds a spelling error the next day and corrects it, the next time I copy over the files, it doesn't seem to update the old incorrect one in 'my library'.
Is there a way to handle this that I'm just missing?

with thanks for any suggestions!
  • Hi, as far as I'm aware, there isn't a way currently to do what you want to do.
    I'm in a similar position. I use a Zotero Group to distribute references / reading lists to my students. I have to do most of my work in my own personal library, simply because the number of pdf's I have is far more than Zotero can handle for free. Trying to keep the relevant folders and references 'in sync' (this is basically a sync process we're talking about) is getting increasingly tricky.
    I think I saw some mention of keeping personal folders and group folders in sync from Dan or one of the other devs, but didn't bookmark it.

    This is about to turn in to a list of feature requests, I may start a new thread.

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