Zotfile and pdf added by ipad: can’t rename

I’m having trouble getting Zotfile to move and rename files (on my linux desktop) that I added using my iPad.

Here’s what I did:
1) Added a new pdf to a Zotero entry on my iPad, using the iOS app.
(I did this two different ways. Case 1: Share correctly found both the entry and the pdf and loaded them seamlessly; Case 2: Used share to download the entry and then I manually added the pdf from “recent files” from inside the app. Both cases ended up behaving the same way ultimately.)
2) Opened Zotero stand-alone on my linux desktop and tried to “Rename and Move” the new PDFs using Zotfile. This gave me an error saying that the file type was not recognized, and the move didn’t take place. If I try to open the PDFs, they are fine.

How can I fix this? Is it possibly because the files have weird names with multiple dots like 5.283839.pdf?
  • Update! I tried renaming the PDFs to something simpler (like 5.pdf). One of them subsequently worked, but the other still didn’t.
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