Citation "expanding" beyond actual citation - causing refresh errors and deleted text

Have searched the forums to no avail on this...thanks for any help.

Mac OS 10.13.6 / Libreoffice (latest) Zotero Plugin (latest) + Zotero (latest version)

• Issue: Am typing away, insert and citation, continue. If I type a full-stop/period after inserting, and sometime a space and further text in continuation, the citation "inhales" the period/additional text.

When I do a refresh, I get the default style-changed error / if you midofy Zotero will no longer update / yes/no

...citation has been modified...dialog box...

orig: (Calder, 2007)
modified: (Calder, 2007). --- issue: "."

orig: (Smith, 2007)
modified: (Smith, 2007) and he further said blah blah blah. --- issue: " and..."

• Problem: I can't type a period after a citation to end the sentence, or any fiurther text without it getting attached to the citation.

When the error then occurs, Zotero updates the citation to "orig" but either delets my periods, and MUCH WORSE, deletes entire strings of text that got engulfed by the citation tag.

What I have been doing mostly is typing a double-space when doing a citation, then inserting the citation between the two "clean" spaces - but this is going to end up a proofing nightmare for the final proof.

-Deleting and re-inserting the citation
-select all text before and after and "remove local formatting'
-Copying a "clean" space or characthers and placing after the citation to try to stop the tag

Made a quick screen movie if you're inclined:

Kind thanks

Happy May day!
  • I thought they had that fixed in Libre Office. The workaround is
    insert citation - space - period - left arrow - backspace since typing a space doesn't, at least in my experience, extend the Reference Mark.

    This isn't anything Zotero can do much about, I believe, as it's the behavior of the LO reference mark, not specific to Z
  • Thanks Adam, will leave this for any further comments but will also post at LO.
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