Annotation experience on iPad. Roadmap?

(I tried to search for what I'm about to write, but didn't find this specifically - but please let me know if double post.)

I've tried to use Zotero as my main way to read and highlight, but there are a couple of big problems:
First of all, tagging just doesn't work. Where do I report this bug?

More importantly is the way PDF annotations work. I don't know the technical terms, but I really hate that Zotero doesn't "properly" annotate the PDFs. The things I highlight doesn't show up in other apps. When I use Papership, my highlights are saved straight onto the PDF, so I can see it in Zotero, but it doesn't work the other way around. This makes me very worried because that means I'm stuck in Zotero if I make a lot of highlights there.

Why is it like this? And what's the roadmap like on the iOS app? I know it's a fresh app...

  • First of all, tagging just doesn't work. Where do I report this bug?
    This is where you report bugs, but you'd have to say more. What exactly are you trying and what exactly is happening?

    Make sure you're running version 1.0.3 of the app (you can check at the bottom of the Settings pane), which fixed one bug with tagging from the Share extension.
    The things I highlight doesn't show up in other apps.
    See Annotations in Database.
  • Some very good answers in the "Annotations in Database"-link!

    I understand why you went this direction. That's why I asked "Why is it like this?" Instead of just saying "Change this now, you suck!" =)

    I did some more testing on tags on my iPad, and here's what I found out:
    I had never made tags in Zotero before (I'm a new user, coming from Endnote), so yesterday I tried to just create and add two tags to a citation. That doesn't work. It appears is DOES work to tag it with tags already created (on desktop, for instance). I also think it works to add one tag.

    I have the latest version, but to sum it up here's how to replicate: Try to tag a citation with two new tags not created before.

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