Feature request: Keep master collections tab visible and add drop down vertical tab list

Like many, I have a lot of tabs open when writing a paper but *quickly* finding the master collections tab at left and the tab that I want is very important.

Recent change now gives arrows left and right to scroll sideways across tabs This is good but it would be better if the master collection tab remained visible at all times so that it is always selectable without having to scroll left.

With many tabs open and only very short descriptions visible in the horizontal bar it is difficult to see the correct tab. If possible it would be great to have a drop down list tab which would reveal a selectable vertical listing of fuller author date title text. The Papers app had this and it was very useful.

[Thanks for Zotero, the pdf markup is great!]
  • Since Zotero is based on Firefox, Cmd-1 on Mac (Ctrl-1 on Win/Linux) takes me back to first/main library tab. Cmd-9 (Ctrl-9) takes me to the last (rightmost) tab. Very useful.

    I am not aware of a shortcut that takes one to the last visited tab out of the box within Zotero (or Firefox without playing with the config editor or such). That could be quite useful as one looks back and forth within the library. However, if the only goal is to see bibliographic data for a pdf while in the pdf viewer, that exists in the righthand column (you can switch between the Notes and Item Data views).
  • Cmd-1 works very well on my Mac, that's very helpful, thanks very much!

    On the second point, a shortcut to the last visited tab was not what I was referring to – I probably did not explain well enough.

    Right now if I have a lot of tabs open I only see the first word of the title which is not enough to identify it quickly. In the Papers app one clicked on the top right of the window and a dropdown list of all open tab pdfs appeared with their author date from which one could quickly select the open pdf one wanted to look at. Very useful.

  • You did explain yourself well. Similar feature requests have been made. I assume the devs may be considering it and they would respond separately.
  • edited April 29, 2022
    (No connection to Firefox. Tabs are entirely Zotero code.)

    For (1), along with Cmd-1, the next version will pin the library tab on the left so that it's always visible even when you have many scrollable tabs.

    For (2), a tab menu (similar to Firefox and Chrome) is planned.
  • Shouldn't have assumed. Thanks for the correction. A tab menu will indeed be a really useful addition.
  • A vertical list of all open tabs would help greatly! In fact that is the main reason I use Edge as my pdf reader, which I really don't like doing.
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