Feature request: author/date in PDF viewer tabs

I'm so impressed with the new Zotero. Thank you!

I'd like to suggest that instead of using the item title, Zotero uses the author and date first (and then maybe the title) to identify the tabs within the PDF viewer—e.g., "Hatten 1994" instead of "Musical Meaning in Beethoven." In my brain that's how I think of various readings and that's usually how inline or note citations are formatted too. It's much harder for me to sift through a bunch of academic titles, which are often long and obscure!
  • In Zotero 6.0.22, available now, you can choose to use "Creator - Year - Title" or "Filename" for PDF tab titles instead of "Title - Creator - Year". This can be configured from the General pane of the Zotero settings.
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