What is the best default sentence case for titles?
Just getting started with Zotero and am wondering what is the best default sentence case to use for titles when entering items into a collection.
Some styles use sentence case and some use title case. Will Zotero change the case as necessary no matter what style I'm using and what case is in the collection? Or will it only go sentence > title or vice versa?
Some styles use sentence case and some use title case. Will Zotero change the case as necessary no matter what style I'm using and what case is in the collection? Or will it only go sentence > title or vice versa?
Also I'm using PLOS One style which uses ICMJE references. In that all titles are sentence case, but my bibliography has a mix of sentence and title case.
It looks like it did not change the previous references even though I updated the case of the titles. What am I doing wrong?
If you have, the citations may no longer be linked to citations in your library, either because they're not active citations or because you deleted items instead of merging them.
IDK how they got that way because I don't think I did any of the things that the doc says can cause it. I wish I knew bc it will be a pain in the ass to re-insert all the citations.
Anyway thanks for the pointers.
If you're getting the popup, the second link explains how to check if it's still linked to an existing item in Zotero or to one that's been deleted.
Can you provide a Debug ID from Zotero for doing that?