Zotero link can't open in iOS/iPadOS

I usually use the quick copy function to copy notes to another note-taking app such as Craft. And I will get a sentence with Zotero link like the following:

“the coeval mafic rocks were probably derived from partial melting of a relatively depleted lithospheric mantle that was modified by fossil subduction‐related fluids.” (Long et al., 2020, p. 1781) (pdf)

On Mac, when I click "(pdf)" in the note-taking app, I will see the specific page of a pdf in Zotero.

However, on iOS/iPadOS, I click "(pdf)" and I couldn't jump to ZOter
  • Zotero on iOS doesn't currently support the zotero:// scheme, but it's planned.
  • I don't mean to be annoying, but I just want to voice my support for this feature. I store information in another application (DEVONthink) and use zotero:// links. Being able to jump to entries in Zotero directly would be a useful bit of integration!
  • This would be really useful feature!
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