Merge entries missing in duplicates

Routinely I go to the duplicates folder to merge any double entries I have.
Last time I wanted to do that I noticed that the "merge entries" entry in the context menu was missing.
Strangely enough, I can merge duplicates (i.e. I have the context menu entry) when I am outside the duplicates folder.
I am using version 6.0.5-beta.5+ee10d3330 on Win10
  • edited April 19, 2022
    Merge Items has never appeared there. There's a button for merging at the top of the right-hand pane. It's in the context menu outside of the duplicates view so that you can trigger it without there being a visible button.
  • I now get it. The reason I did not see the button was that my duplicates were different types.
    It seems that I did not realize that there are two types to merge duplicates. The obvious one in the duplicates view and the context trigger way.
    Thanks for pointing this out to me.
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