File sync deletion

Hi, I accidentally maxed out the capacity for the file sync (100mb) when I added sync of my private library files. Prior to this, I only had my attachment files in my group libraries synced.

I unchecked the "Sync attachment files in My library using: zotero" and pressed sync again, expecting the "My library" usage of the storage to be deleted and thus solve the capacity problem. However, it seems that it is not possible to delete specific folders or categories in my zotero storage?

I have added an external WebDAV service ( to my personal library, but my zotero storage still nags about me hitting the capacity, although I only sync my group libary (40mb) with this solution.

Could an option to delete/regret some specific already synced folders or categories (My library/Group library) be added in a further update?



(Moved to 2.0 Beta discussion)
  • Moved it to the 2.0 Beta discussion.

    Perhaps there is a solution with the current version?
  • You'll be able to purge storage files from your storage settings page on in the near future.

    However, when you switch your personal library file sync setting from "Zotero" to "WebDAV" it should prompt you to purge personal storage files.
  • Hi,

    Thx for the prompt reply.

    So what you're saying is that this feature will come, nice to hear that!

    However, your second comment is a bit ambiguous. Do you mean that when I switched my personal file sync setting to "WebDAV", I should have been prompted to purge my personal storage file, i.e. the feature already exists and I just missed it? Or have I misunderstood and it will come in a future release?
  • You should have been prompted, but there are some cases in which you currently might not be. But if you fiddle with it—switch it back to Zotero, try to sync, and then switch it to WebDAV—you might be.
  • Hi again,

    I tried to follow your advice, turning on and of the choice of syncing the local files, both with the zotero storage and WebDAV, trying to initiate the sync with all options.

    No prompt for deleting the personal folder on my zotero storage came up.

    I am thinking about another solution: Under the sync reset settings, there is an option called "Restore to zotero server" which deletes the content on the server and then replaces it with my local content. If I then under settings only have the group library set to sync with the zotero option, wouldn't it just be this content that fills the server? However, what will then happen to all the content in the group library, already provided by other members of my groups?
  • Personal library files in Zotero storage can now be purged from your storage settings page. (That button needs to be clarified, but that's what it does.) Group files won't be affected.
  • This solved it!

    Thank you for a super product and and a really professional support.
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