Citation links & opening in a different pdf reader

I have two questions regarding the new update:
--in Zotero 5 I could decide what pdf reader to use to open a document linked in Zotero directly from Zotero. I know there is now a Zotero pdf reader, which is great, but I would like to keep using Foxit since that one better meets my needs. How can I open a file that is linked to Zotero in the pdf reader of my choice?
--It used to be that in extracted annotations in the notes I could click on the citation link and it would open my default pdf reader to that page. Now, I am presented with three options--show item (which merely brings me back to the citation information of the entire piece), edit citation, and hide citation. Sometimes the annotation reader does not read the page number correctly, so it was very helpful to be able to simply click on the citation to verify that the page number cited was correct. Now it looks like I have to search for that quote through the pdf reader, which is a pain. Maybe I missed something?
--Another quick note: when I move away from one note to check something in another and then return to the first one, it will bring me back to the very beginning of that note rather than remembering the place I was at. Is there a way to change this/let us choose our preference here?
Many thanks!
  • 1) Open PDFs using... in the General tab of the Zotero preferences
  • #1 works & is resolved, thank you.
  • For (2), click on the annotation and click "Show on Page".
  • 2) Thank you for pointing that out. Unfortunately, when I do that, it always brings me to the second page of the pdf, whether the quotation is there or not...
  • You can temporarily open the PDF in the built-in PDF reader to see the page number being detected. If it's not right for a given PDF, email us the PDF at with a link to this thread.

    (ZotFile used the Pages field from the parent item, but Zotero detects the page number from the PDF. When creating annotations in the built-in PDF reader, or if you import them from the PDF, you can change the detected page numbers from the PDF reader, but that's not currently possible for annotations embedded in the PDF. We'll think about providing a way to adjust those, but the proper solution here is to fix the detection to be correct.)
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