Zotero on iPad - highlights sync

Hello everyone.

I love Zotero but I have a little problem. I have a Zotero account (20Go) and an iPad. This morning I made some highlights on my iPad directly in the new Zotero app with my Apple pencil. Arrived at the office, I open through my web browser my Web Library and here, no highlights in my doc.
I reopened my iPad and I "move down" my finger on the library in order to let appear the spinning wheel (syncing???) reopened the Weblibrary and... no highlights again. I checked on the Web library and actually, the pdf version is still yesterday one...

Is there a way to sync those highlights created through the Zotero app, a button or something else?? Or a batch time?

Thank you very much!
  • Annotations aren't yet supported in the web library. They're available in the iOS app and the desktop app.
  • Ahhh ok!!! Thank you very much. I just have now to convince my IT administrator to install Zotero in my laptop!
    Thanks again.
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