www.zotero.org/save adding the PDF

There have been numerous reports in the Forums on people not being able to use a.) the browser connector or b.) bookmarklet - to get things into their Web Library because of restrictions imposed by some malicious admin... This use case obviously has a prerequisite that Zotero is not installed and running locally due to the same restrictions. It has been possible to get around those limitations at work by using a.) the Web Library's "Add by identifier" magic wand or the b.) https://www.zotero.org/save option - relatively recently added (thanks). That adds the meta-data but no attachments. Shouldn't adding attachments be possible, e.g. querying a PMID -> adding a potentially available "free" PMC full-text "in the backgroud" to the Web Library, circumvening all the local prohibitions?
Cheers, Stefan
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