Can I add to "My Publication" using simply DOI?


I was trying to add my publications to "My Publication" section, however, I found that the process is very complicated and I am wondering if I can just type in the DOI and add to "My Publication" just like I did elsewhere?

Thank you for your time.

Best regards
Yiyu Zhou
  • No, you can only add to My Publications by dragging from another library.
  • Thanks, may I ask why it is designed so?
  • edited April 2, 2022
    Adding to My Publications involves a dialog that requires you to confirm you're an author of the item and specify rights, and it's just more straightforward for there to be a single way to trigger that from a known existing item. Add Item by Identifier could conceivably work, in a way that manual item creation wouldn't, but you still don't know for sure what you're going to get until the item is saved (e.g., maybe you mistyped a digit), so we only allow adding existing items.
  • Thanks, but the same potential problem (mistypes) still exists for adding items to libraries other than "My Publications", so I think it is totally fine to add with DOI for "My Publications", because one can always delete when there is a mistake.
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