Feature Request: Automatically storing Zotero annotations in file

Dear Zotero developers,

after discussions with several people on Twitter (e.g. with Hendrik Erz who develops Zettlr) and in the Obsidian Discord Community, I noticed that many (me included) were dismayed that the option to store annotations made in the new Zotero reader directly in the file cannot be automated in any way.

It is quite tedious to remember and click through the menu to select the option and then confirm that decision every time you want to, say, prepare the PDF for reading on a different device with a regular PDF reader.

Therefore, I want to request the following feature(s):

a) an option to dismiss the pop-up warning which asks to confirm my decision
b) a hotkey for storing annotations to file
c) a settings option to automatically store annotations to file

I think this would greatly improve everyone's workflows and ease the transition to use the new reader. I love the new features, I'm just afraid of being locked in.

Thank you.
  • Same answer we gave on Twitter — the whole point of the reader is to create a new, integrated experience, which requires DB-based annotations. If you don't care for that, you can continue using an external PDF reader as before. There are numerous ways to output PDFs with embedded annotations, so annotations made in the new reader aren't locked into Zotero in any way.

    As explained on the KB page, storing annotations in the file would result in constant whole-file syncing and the potential for file conflicts, so it's not something we intend to provide as an option. But there's absolutely nothing stopping you from continuing to use an external PDF reader if you require or prefer a file-based workflow.
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