Importing Firefox Bookmarks

Is it possible to do this? I've found several forum requests for the feature but no hint as to whether it is planned / included in 2.0.

For those of us not coming to Zotero from a previous citation management system, the ability to import some / all of our existing Firefox bookmarks (even if this is done crudely by saving the bookmarks to an HTML file then importing the links and notes from the file) would be really useful.

-- Mike --
  • It is not currently possible to convert your bookmarks directly into items in your Zotero library. It would be nice, but there are a considerable amount of features that have a higher priority, so it is unclear when anyone will tackle this.
  • It would be quite great. Especially when "date added" info is preserved. A decade of resources flushing into my Zotero with correct placement on the timeline.

    *dream* (:
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