Print out quality through Zotero is lower than other PDF software

Pretty much what the title says; When I print a pdf directly from the Zotero pdf reader (which I LOVE by the way), the print quality is noticably lower (more blue and less sharp) than when I print the same document from Adobe or any other pdf software. There are no differences between printer settings or the "quality" setting or anything else. The same printing profile used in Zotero produces worse print outs for some reason. I tested with multiple PDF files, the result is the same

I suspect something may be going wrong during the "Preparing document for printing..." stage of Zotero.

Does anyone else have this problem? Couldn't find it in this forum. I tested it on another computer and got the same result, so I can't be the only one.

Could someone else print a test page from both Zotero and Adobe/Nitro/Foxit etc. and confirm/disconfirm this? Any recommendations would also be welcome.

Let me end by saying that I absolutely love Zotero! Keep up the great work.
  • This is a known issue of the pdf.js view that Zotero is based on. Unless this is fixable (which would be great!) I wonder if this would be a compelling enough use case for Zotero to consider adding a one-off option to open with an external PDF viewer that some people have also asked about in other context (e.g. for editing PDFs)
  • My thoughts exactly. Would be great and a huge time saver if "open in external PDF viewer" could be added to the right click on file/tab menu.
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