Feedback about automatic updates for major versions

I was in the middle of finishing an article to submit around the deadline when Zotero updated itself to 6.0, and I realized too late that I would have preferred to stop that just in case there were any compatibility issues (e.g. with Word) that day while I urgently needed to refresh my bibliography and submit the paper. Fortunately in my case nothing went wrong, but given all of the threads posted here over the last few days, many other users are having some issues, and I feel lucky to have submitted my paper smoothly.

Another thread made me think of this too: -- It seems problematic that Zotero would, in effect, automatically disable add-ons without warning.

I appreciate the intention to test compatibility and also to push updates for consistency, support and security, but overall the update experience can be confusing or disruptive, and we would need to go to a lot of effort to disable that in advance (by using the hidden preference).

To be clear, I'm not suggesting I don't want Zotero 6.0, just that I would have preferred to schedule it for when I was not relying on Zotero to produce a final bibliography, a day or two later. Note that this is especially important if you usually write with automatic updates disabled, which I do, so I need to refresh to prepare a final draft.
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