Renaming title while viewing duplicates

edited March 27, 2022
I'm wondering if there is a way to give a new name to an item title in Zotero when viewing duplicates. When I view duplicates, some of these have the same title, but are different things (e.g., a book and a review of that book). I'd like to give one of these a different title name when I see them as duplicates, but I don't see a way to do that in the "Duplicate Items" view. So I have to go back to library, search for these an rename. Is there any way of renaming in Duplicate Items view that I am missing?

Also, is there a way to delete an item in Duplicate Items view? It seems you cannot just select one item to right click and delete. (You can do it with the attached file, but not the item itself). Again, this would be helpful rather than having to go back to the library to find these and delete them.
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