Zotero slowdown since 6.02 upgrade

Hey folks,

I'm not sure what has happened, but ever since the 6.02 upgrade, I've noticed a significant slowing of Zotero. When I add or update a citation using the MS Word plugin, from the point I hit to save the citation, the green progress bar stays visible for a good 10-20 seconds before the citation is successfully placed in the document and I'm again able to edit my Word document. This represents at least a doubling, maybe a tripling, of the time to complete this same task pre-6.02.

Particulars: MS Word 2019, fully patched, on Windows 10 Home 64b also fully patched. Running on a Dell XPS13, 8th-gen Core i7, 16GB RAM and many gigs of free HD space. I do not use the sync feature, so shouldn't be related to that ... local database only.

Thanks in advance for investigating and hopefully patching.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for this happening?
  • Here's the debug ID: D1223558410
  • The debug log you submitted shows a citation update that is done from a cold-start of Zotero (the first insert into a document after Zotero restart will always be slightly slower) in a document with 200 citations take 3 seconds. If you can produce a debug ID where it takes longer, please do. Otherwise if this won't show up in a debug log you can also produce a video. Moreover, you can always disable automatic citation updates in Zotero Document Preferences to speed up updates.
  • edited June 30, 2022
    Realize I never followed up on this. I do see what you mean about cold start. Thank you.

    Follow-on question though ... does Zotero look for some sort of internet sync on startup even if I'm not linked to a shared account (no point since I only use one device)? Last time I started it up while truly offline it took even longer.
  • If you haven't set up syncing in the Sync pane of the preferences it doesn't sync, but there are various things it has to do at startup, including for a few seconds after the user interface appears, that can cause things to run slightly slower.
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