No option of mac dictionary appear when using internal pdf viewer

I need mac dictionary options such as translate or defination to help me read, but it disable in internal pdf viewer. Instead, there are just zotero application options when i choose a word.
  • I second this feature request. MacOS has a built in feature (which works in most apps) to right-click on a word and look it up in the built in dictionary. Would be great to have this feature work in Zotero's pdf reader.
  • Also have the same request! Being able to look up word's meaning is really necessary for me to read heavy workload of articles in the time I have. Please consider adding this feature. It would really be a game-changer.
  • There are technical issues why this can't be added to right-click context menu, but you can use Cmd-Control-d or Force Touch over the desired word.
  • Thank you for the explanation! It's sad that the inside right-click menu could not blend in with the apple original one, but now I know what alternative I got. Thx!
  • @martynas_b I don't see any effect of Cmd-Control-d or Force Touch over the desired word on my Macbook M1. How is it supposed to work?
  • @kghadge Try another PDF file. Some PDF files have issues with text layer or don't have it at all.
  • In the trackpad settings, set "Look up and data detectors" to "Tap with Three Fingers." It works perfectly to me.
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