Solved: Moving library from Box to Zotero Storage: No PDF sync

edited March 23, 2022
Hello, I have just purchased the unlimited year storage from Zotero. I changed my webdav settings from Box to Zotero, as well as made sure sync automatically is on. I assumed the expected behavior to be that all my local pdfs would begin to upload to Zotero. But Zotero says the sync is done, and the pdfs have not uploaded.

I can still access them locally, of course, but when I try to access them in iOS, they don't appear, which tells me something is impeding the upload sync.

Can someone advise what I need to do to transfer my entire local library's pdfs to Zotero storage?

Here is my debug ID: D229051139
And from iOS: D1118491868

(Solved: I reset network history, and after scanning the entire library, the PDFs were synced. This link helped: )

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