Zotero for iOS crash / bug reports

I just installed Zotero on iOS for the first time. After launching, tapping "All Items" reliably crashed the app. The app seems to have submitted several crash reports, one of which is 1620294592, though I assume you have all of them.

At some point, I can access settings by tapping Back; moving around in the Settings section doesn't crash the app.

Reopening the app shows that the item count is increasing. Since this is my first run, I assume it's syncing the items on each run. (maybe there are multiple async retrievals bumping into each other for a sync write?)

Aside of the crash, I have also seen the app freeze in the items list before finally crashing, back to the iPhone home screen.

Finally, after several of these launches, I am now in the All Items screen. I can scroll through the list, and tap and view a PDF.

So this appears to be a load-time bug which may be:
- an initialization time problem
- a large collection problem
- an All Items problem; didn't get to try other subcollections

Zotero Version 1.0 Build 199
iPhone X, system version 14.8.1

Thank you
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