Reference output for "Thesis" item is completely wrong using AMA style??

edited March 17, 2022
I'm looking at the AMA Manual of Style, 11th edition. This is one of the examples it gives for how the references should look under the Theses and Dissertations category:

1. Maiti N. Association Between Bullying Behaviors, Health Characteristics,
and Injuries Among Adolescents in the United States.
Dissertation. Palo
Alto University; 2010.

Now, this is the reference I get when I select the AMA output in Zotero for an item of type Thesis:

1. Jamil SM. Strength of non-persistent rock joints. Published online 1992.

WTF?? These are not even remotely alike. The title of the thesis is not italicized, it does not say "Dissertation", it does not state the name of the university. And where in the flying **** did the "published online" part come from?? I didn't even fill in the URL where the dissertation lives in the "Info" tab, so how did it come up with the idea that this thing is published online??
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