"attach snapshot as pdf" button
handling of web pages is not always easy, because of the many single files and file types (gif, jpeg, html, css,js) which are needed to represent the original web site. Zotero handles this normally without any problems.
But for me often it would be better, to have an single pdf-version of the website instead the original html. Especially when I want to distribute my archived web sites to other (non zotero) people.
My feature request: It is possible to add a button, that allows to attach a "snapshot as a pdf".
But for me often it would be better, to have an single pdf-version of the website instead the original html. Especially when I want to distribute my archived web sites to other (non zotero) people.
My feature request: It is possible to add a button, that allows to attach a "snapshot as a pdf".
until there exists a native method on has to use the firefox button "print to pdf" to get a pdf snapshot of the web page and then attach this pdf to the item. Not realy nice, but possible.
If Zotero had an Inbox or watched folder, I could create a shortcut to that and knock a couple of steps off the process. So close...
I used to do this but I now go the long way round since I typically want to strip out ads and extraneous material using something like the printliminator bookmark before saving as pdf.
1) Create a "Zotero Inbox" folder in a convenient spot in Documents.
2) Create a symlink to this folder, and put it in ~/Library/PDF Services. This will allow the Zotero Inbox folder to show up in the Print dialog > PDF menu. (I use the gadget "Symbolic Linker" -- http://mac.softpedia.com/get/Utilities/Symbolic-Linker.shtml. A regular alias might work too, but I'm not sure.)
3) Create a folder action in Automater to open any added file in Firefox. It's a simple 1-step workflow.
4) Attach the folder action to Zotero Inbox folder.
Note: at first when I tried the action, Firefox started opening infinite numbers of blank windows. So don't try the action until you do this:
5) Install a Firefox add-on that allows it to open PDFs. I used one that's called "PDF", from http://code.google.com/p/firefox-mac-pdf/.
This seems to be working so far. Now when I find a page I want to store in Zotero as a pdf, I hit Print > PDF > Save to Zotero Inbox, and the new file opens in Firefox. In Zotero, click "Create New Item from Current Page" to save the PDF into Zotero. The process isn't a lot shorter, but it eliminates having to choose a save location, finding the file on the desktop, and deleting the original.
Now, if only there were a way to make that whole thing a single script within Zotero...