sharing an existing folder/library?

I think that one can still only share libraries as group libraries, which is to start from an empty folder and add to it? There is no way for a client to share their folder with me other than exporting it? (I am doing some cleanup of their metadata).

it seems such an obvious thing, to right click on a folder and select "share" or "change to group access" and get the options, but this has never been an option that I have seen. Is it now?
  • No, sorry. Obvious from a usage perspective, not from an implementation one)
  • Oh I'm sure! The visual walls between group and solo libraries make it clear that it isn't a simple thing! I just wanted to check, as I haven't been power-using Zotero much lately, and I know things change a lot.

  • (and, sharing libraries in Zotero is still the "killer app" I use to get people to choose it over anything else. It's a pain in any other citation manager. So, while dream of more, I still am very happy)
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