"Automatically tag" option not respected

Even though I’ve deselected the option to "Automatically tag items" a bunch of tags appeared in my database today. The only unusual event I can think of is a recent update of Zotero.

The tags are clearly automatic tags since they are about papers I’ve recently added to my database—oddly though, they aren’t assigned to any paper.

This is not the first time I’ve had tags added to my db even though I’ve disabled the option a long time ago (I do not use tags for that purpose).
  • Tags imported via bibliographic formats like RIS are not considered "automatic". Did you import any of those?
  • No. Could the Safari Connector import tags from a publisher website? I mostly add papers from publisher websites, sometimes add a PDF file directly to Zotero, and that’s about it in terms of importing items.

    Additional question: is there some faster way to delete several (like, dozens) of tags other than right-clicking + clicking "delete" ?
  • edited March 10, 2022
    The tags are clearly automatic tags since they are about papers I’ve recently added to my database—oddly though, they aren’t assigned to any paper.
    They're definitely assigned to an item, or they wouldn't show up. There shouldn't be any mystery here — just click on the library root and click on one of the tags in the tag selector, and it should show you the item in question, which should help you figure out how you added it.
  • @alexcr87: Note that there's also a "Save Automatic Tags" option in the iOS beta, so if you save from iOS, you'd also want to disable that in the app settings.
  • This is precisely what I did: clicked on the library root and clicked on the tags, wasn’t able to "select" any of them (they did not get highlighted when I clicked on them) and clicking on them did not bring up any article (the item list didn’t change). In contrast, my own tags can be selected normally.

    I also disabled the option in iOS, and actually had not used the app for several days so I doubt it’s caused by it.
  • Are they gray or black? Do you have "Display All Tags in This Library" enabled in the tag selector menu?

    Go to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript and run this, after substituting in one of the tags in question between the quotes, and let us know the result:

    var tagName = "TAG_GOES_HERE";
    return (await Zotero.Tags.getTagItems(1, Zotero.Tags.getID(tagName))).map(x => Zotero.Items.get(x).key)
  • They were all gray. The "show automatic" option is selected.

    I cannot run the JS scripts since I’ve deleted them unfortunately.
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