New style for "Hospital a Domicilio" journal
I would like to know if the citation format "Bibliothèque universitaire de mèdecine - Vancouver (Français)· exists in English or Spanish.
It is the exact model that I need for the Hospital a Domicilio magazine, but the language should be, if possible, Spanish or English.
I would like to know if the citation format "Bibliothèque universitaire de mèdecine - Vancouver (Français)· exists in English or Spanish.
It is the exact model that I need for the Hospital a Domicilio magazine, but the language should be, if possible, Spanish or English.
Please add the missing information into this thread and change the thread title accordingly.
I send the requested information according to the guide that has been attached:
Style Request: [Hospital a Domicilio]
The proposed style would be very similar to the "Bibliothèque universitaire de mèdecine - Vancouver (Français)" format. But, in Spanish or English, and the citation number in the text (in-text citation) would be in superscript.
URL "Instructions to Authors" section:
ISSN-L: 2530-5115
Link to the full text of an article:
In-text citation:
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(1), xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(2). The (1) and (2) should be in superscript
Campbell JL, Pedersen OK. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comp Polit Stud. 2007;40(3):307-32. DOI: 10.1177/0010414006286542
Mares I. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Hall PA, Soskice D (editors). Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press; 2001. pp 184-213.
Thank you very much
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