Combining Dissertation sections and chapters


I hope all is well. I have been using Zotero citation (with manually inserting footnotes) for Chicago footnotes. When I want to combine these sections together in a longer document, or combine all the chapters together into a large document, will Zotero be able to automatically figure out which works should be cited as long, complete citations, and which should be abbreviated?

  • Also, for those writing dissertations, are there any Zotero tips you recommend? I am on a Mac 12.13 w/ Microsoft Word. Thanks so much!
  • will Zotero be able to automatically figure out which works should be cited as long, complete citations, and which should be abbreviated?
    Generally yes, though Zotero always does this per document, not per chapter, so if you want full citation of every work in the first citation in a *chapter* (rather than in the dissertation), you'd have to work with the chapters separately until you unlink Zotero citations (in a copy) and merge them together.

    The only other advice I'd have is that Zotero can get very slow on Word for Mac in long documents, so you really want to have all editing on citations done before you merge the document (though you should probably test before the last minute ;).
  • Thank you so much for this. Is there any way that I can make Zotero update/check all the footnotes to make sure they are formatted correctly after I insert a new section? I am using manual footnotes. Thanks!
  • What do you mean by "manual footnotes" -- Zotero will only do anything with citations inserted by Zotero (or by Mendeley, with some limitations). So if by manually you mean "typed out" then now. If you mean you insert the footnote manually, and then use the Zotero add-on to include references, then yes, Zotero will update references automatically.
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