Combining Dissertation sections and chapters
I hope all is well. I have been using Zotero citation (with manually inserting footnotes) for Chicago footnotes. When I want to combine these sections together in a longer document, or combine all the chapters together into a large document, will Zotero be able to automatically figure out which works should be cited as long, complete citations, and which should be abbreviated?
I hope all is well. I have been using Zotero citation (with manually inserting footnotes) for Chicago footnotes. When I want to combine these sections together in a longer document, or combine all the chapters together into a large document, will Zotero be able to automatically figure out which works should be cited as long, complete citations, and which should be abbreviated?
The only other advice I'd have is that Zotero can get very slow on Word for Mac in long documents, so you really want to have all editing on citations done before you merge the document (though you should probably test before the last minute ;).