what's Hansard?
How are speeches different from presentations?
Note that new document types are only needed where things are really cited in substantially different ways - in requesting this you'd really want to explain the necessity in some greather length.
Hansard is the English equivalent of the Congressional Record. it contains the proceedings of Parliament. Seems appropriate content to enter as a Hearing.
I agree. I'm trying to figure out if I'm gonna try to play with the fields to make a reference for all the congressional documents I have, or if I'm just gonna do that manually in my document. Congressional hearings and cites form the Congressional record would be much appreciated!
So has anybody figured out how to enter (UK) Hansard stuff in Zotero as a 'hearing'? E.g. I want to cite this part. Based on this source, the citation should look like this in Oxford (we use Chicago, btw):
HC Deb 23 July 1952 vol 504 cc528-9
That doesn't look very Chicago'y to me... But so what would I enter where then in Zotero?
No -- not even in AGLC, which is much more extensive. Hansard citations are so specific, and Zotero item types fairly limited in that area, that I decided it wasn't realistic. @sdspieg -- it is standard practice in legal writing to use the legal citations common in their jurisdiction, so citations to Hansard in Chicago Style would indeed follow OSCOLA or a similar UK style. This is the main reason Frank insists (correctly) that meaningful legal citation support can only be done with modular citation styles and I'm just not seeing those happening any time soon in regular CSL or Zotero.
Thanks Sebastian. I do recall Frank explaining this to me at some point. But it remains really disappointing that things like legal citation support (like this) as well as multi-lingual support are apparently such a low priority. These are both pretty fundamental for at least social science and humanities research I guess, and it's sad that Frank had to make a fork for this. [Although I have to admit that I have not followed the 'new fields' in Zotero discussion - and so please correct me if I'm wrong on the multi-lingual bit]
But so on this one, I was just hoping that there might be some hack that would allow us to use another item type (like Journal Article) and still obtain an acceptable result... Oh well!
There is a way to do this, if you don't use too many other jurisdictions. For example, I have edited the AGLC style to format 'Hearings' as Hansard (as we don't otherwise use other types of hearings). The fields are all there, you just have to add a bit more code to your style.
If, however, you need to format differently depending on jurisdiction, it is possible to do this by using a field you don't normally use, such as Extra or Archive, to force a different output format.
I had a quick look at Chicago Style and it doesn't appear that hearings are formatted differently, so if your main use case for hearings is Hansard then that ought to be possible.
How are speeches different from presentations?
Note that new document types are only needed where things are really cited in substantially different ways - in requesting this you'd really want to explain the necessity in some greather length.
So has anybody figured out how to enter (UK) Hansard stuff in Zotero as a 'hearing'? E.g. I want to cite this part. Based on this source, the citation should look like this in Oxford (we use Chicago, btw):
That doesn't look very Chicago'y to me... But so what would I enter where then in Zotero?
@sdspieg -- it is standard practice in legal writing to use the legal citations common in their jurisdiction, so citations to Hansard in Chicago Style would indeed follow OSCOLA or a similar UK style. This is the main reason Frank insists (correctly) that meaningful legal citation support can only be done with modular citation styles and I'm just not seeing those happening any time soon in regular CSL or Zotero.
But so on this one, I was just hoping that there might be some hack that would allow us to use another item type (like Journal Article) and still obtain an acceptable result... Oh well!
If, however, you need to format differently depending on jurisdiction, it is possible to do this by using a field you don't normally use, such as Extra or Archive, to force a different output format.
I had a quick look at Chicago Style and it doesn't appear that hearings are formatted differently, so if your main use case for hearings is Hansard then that ought to be possible.
Thank you in advance