LibreOffice Mac -- Zotero extensions Installed but do not work

edited February 17, 2022
Sorry, I don't have a Zotero terminal error message to post as the problem is integration of Zotero with LibreOffice for the Mac. When using my old Version: of LibreOffice, Zotero opens just fine and will insert citations. No major problems citing and even building a bibliography in a 300 page document.

However, when I open the updated LibreOffice, I get an error message, "The LibreOffice configuration has been changed. Under LibreOffice - Preferences - LibreOffice - Advanced, select the Java runtime environment you want to have used by LibreOffice."

I then use LibreOffice Preferences, Advanced to select each of the three Oracle java options available. The Zotero Insert Citation extension doesn't work with any of the java options listed (13.0.1) (1.80_162) or (1.80_161) meaning LibreOffice will not connect to Zotero unless I add a different Java option run time environment.

My questions are:
1) what run time environment do I need to get LibreOffice to integrate with Zotero on an Intel Mac with OS 10.13.6 ?
2) How do I install this so LibreOffice for the Mac recognizes it?
3) As a back-up, I am using LibreOffice Version: Will installing a new java runtime "break" my ability to insert citations in my old version of LibreOffice if I am unable to get the version working with Zotero?

Thanks all
  • meaning LibreOffice will not connect to Zotero unless I add a different Java option run time environment
    Meaning what, exactly? Why did you decide this was related to Java?
  • edited February 17, 2022
    Hi there, thanks for responding.

    Meaning, the Zotero extensions appeared, but Zotero toolbar was not active; however,
    I MAY HAVE SOLVED THE PROBLEM. I had tried reinstalling the Zotero plug-ins several times to no avail, but I just tried again based upon the LibreOffice forum suggestion. (Not sure why the 4th or 5th attempt to reinstall finally worked, but it was the charm.)

    I thought the problem was java runtime because LibreOffice 7.2 first opened without a hitch. After I installed the Zotero extensions, upon opening LibreOffice 7.2, I got the error message: "The LibreOffice configuration has been changed. Under LibreOffice - Preferences - LibreOffice - Advanced, select the Java runtime environment you want to have used by LibreOffice."

    In fact, when I check the Preferences --- Advanced for the Java runtime available to LibreOffice 7.2, it lists the same Java choices as before.

    Here was the solution posted on the LibreOffice forum.
    "There is definitely an issue with LibreOffice and Java based plugins and troubleshooting is not easy.

    After a previous update of my LibreOffice version, I noticed that the Zotero toolbar was no longer active and the extension manager did not show the Zotero integration either.

    Here’s what I did to get things working again:

    Make sure LibreOffice is closed.
    Start Zotero and go to Preferences > Cite > Word Processors

    At that you point you should see that the add-in is either currently installed or not installed.
    If not installed, install it. If already installed, click Reinstall LibreOffice Add-in.

    macOS 10.13.6
    Zotero LibreOffice Integration 5.0.23
    Output of java -version in Terminal:
    java version “10.0.2” 2018-07-17
    Java™ SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13)"
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