Triggering Save to Zotero Connector (Ctrl-Shift-S) using JavaScript...

I generate COinS within a dynamic Web page of a site that I created.

I would like to show the user that (s)he can save the described document to Zotero by clicking an actionable button which would have the same effect than [Ctrl][Shift]S.

I tried to create a keyboard event but it does not work.

Any way to directly call an API from the Zotero Connector using Javacript in a Web Page? Or any example I could follow ?

THANKS a lot for your help !
  • You can't trigger a Zotero Connector save from JS on a webpage, no.

    But the premise here seems a bit odd. Zotero users know how to save to Zotero, and the toolbar icon updates to show when data was detected on a page. As long as you're generating high-quality metadata, you don't really need to do anything else.
  • I discovered later that one can "pin" the Connector plugin to achieve what you describe. Thank you for your explanation and have a nice week-end !
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