feature request: Zotero 6 PDF reader - middle click close tab, shortcuts

Excellent work on the Zotero 6 beta. Couldn't see this feature requested elsewhere, maybe it's already in the works, but middle click (scroll wheel click) to close tabs would make the UI more in line with existing browser/desktop environments.

Also, are there annotation shortcuts on the way? Ie. to switch between selection/navigation and text/area highlighting, etc.
  • I'll add, the built-in PDF viewer has already made a significant improvement in my research workflow efficiency, so thank you!
  • Also, are there annotation shortcuts on the way? Ie. to switch between selection/navigation and text/area highlighting, etc.
    Do you mean you want to create annotations with a keyboard only? How do you imagine that could work?
  • edited February 8, 2022
    Something like pressing "1" enables "Highlight Text" mode, press "2" and you're in "Popup Note" mode, and "3" for "Area Highlight" or similar, so you don't have to take your cursor all the way to the top bar to pick between three small adjacent boxes. The actual highlight/selection would still be done with the mouse.
  • Regarding the middle click there is an older discussion but that stalled (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/380342/#Comment_380342). I would also really like this feature and no such issue has been created on github from the maintainers
  • Yes, middle-click to close tabs would be very helpful.
  • @Burghoff: Middle-click should already work to close tabs.
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