Feature request: Default folder for PDF files
Love Zotero and use it everyday (on Kubuntu). I make great use of downloading PDFs associated with articles and having them automatically renamed. However, I find it increasingly inconvenient that I cannot set a default folder to hold all of my PDF files (especially those downloaded and renamed automatically). Of course, I can use show file to open my file manager and thus locate the PDF if I want to find a file (to e-mail to somebody, for example). However, if I am in an application that requires me to browse to a PDF file so that I can attach it, the whole process is very cumbersome. I have to either locate the PDF from Zotero and copy it to a temporary location and delete it later, or locate the folder containing the PDF and then browse to the correct location. I generally do the former because the folders containing PDF files automatically saved have names that are difficult to remember.
Thus, as well as being able to set a custom storage location for a Zotero library, I think we need to be able to set a default location for PDFs (for those of us with large PDF libraries we would also need something to allow us to move all of our PDF files to such a location).
Keep up the fantastic work!
Thus, as well as being able to set a custom storage location for a Zotero library, I think we need to be able to set a default location for PDFs (for those of us with large PDF libraries we would also need something to allow us to move all of our PDF files to such a location).
Keep up the fantastic work!
Just do a search and then save it from the file menu. The save -option is not very visible, but it does exist.
On my mac I do this with the following commmand
find /Users/mronkko/Documents/Research/Zotero\ Data/storage/ -name *.pdf -exec ln {} . \;
What this does is that it searches for all files with filename containing .pdf and makes a hard link of these files to the current directory. If you schedule this as a cron job, you will get essentially the same result as with saved search.
Adamsmith - thanks for the comment and it is great to know that it is being considered.
Best, Martin
wouldn't it be easier to set up a "Smart Folder" in OSX? This way you wouldn't need a cron job.
b) I'd caution somewhat against using it with dropbox - there have been a whole number of problems caused by the fact that syncing using dropbox can corrupt your zotero database if you have Firefox open on both computers at the time of syncing. So if you decide to do that, don't say you haven't been warned.
c) putting all pdfs in one folder is possible using a smart folder (or similar features on other OS)
d) Given a) and c) Dan has mentioned recently that they still have this on the radar, but don't view it as high priority.
With thanks, Martin
create a new folder - let's call it PDFs and place it in your home directory
go into that directory (I'll assume yusuf is your account name - substitute otherwise):
cd /home/yusuf/PDFs/
then run the command that mronkko suggests above
find /home/yusuf/.mozilla/firefox/[randomstring]/zotero/storage -name *.pdf -exec ln {} . \;
where the part after "find" is the path to your Zotero storage directory - it looks similar to what I have here if you left it at its default location. You'll see all your pdfs in your new PDFs folder.
If you want to have your system do this automatically on a regular basis you can use a gui scheduling tool or the "cron" tool to do this - google "cron kubuntu" for instructions and how tos.
I use zotero to manage books since it can search for book info by isbn, but some pdfs are quite big, when I add the attachment manually, zotero makes a copy in the database creating unnecessary disk wear.
Thank you!
In that case, the files won't be synced or managed by Zotero (deleting the link does not delete the file on your disk)
You can automatically save to a folder of your choice then zotfile will insert a link to the file.
There is also sensible automatic renaming of the files so that you can for example choose that there are no spaces etc.
You can also batch rename (including batch moving to your pdf storage folder of choice out of the crazy Zotero folder structure).
Seems to work well.