Best way to make entries for Periodicals?

I am using Zotero to organise my digital collection of antique books and magazines for my private research, but I ran into a problem when it comes to periodicals (e.g. "The Delineator"):

If I enter them in as Books, I have a field for the Publisher and the Volume, but not the Issue.

If I enter them in as Journal or Magazine articles, I have fields for the Volume and Issue, but not for the Publisher.

While this is, as mentioned, a private endeavor, I still want to strife for proper method as much as I can in order to keep my filing structure robust over the years.

So what would be the correct way of handling such entries?

P.S. The Zotero Connector handles these entries as books and leaves the Volume field empty, but I am not sure how reliable this is.
(Not to mention that metadata is sometimes questionable, so manual entries can't be avoided anyway.)
  • Use any item type and add this to Extra:
    Type: periodical

    Note that this item type is fairly new and no CSL styles are currently written to handle ‘periodical’ specifically, so you may need to update your citation style or request that it be updated.
  • I did that, but it didn't change anything.
    The Item I tried it with has the Book Type, and it still has all the same fields, so still no way to enter the Issue.

    Your suggestion therefore implies, that the Publisher is generally more relevant than the Issue number when it comes to these things.
    Is that correct?

    On top, I just realised that both Magazine and Journal Articles don't have a Place field, I guess that definitely makes the Book Type preferable.
  • edited January 25, 2022
    Any of those fields you're missing you can also add to the extra field.
    publisher-place: London
    publisher: Penguin Publishings Providings

  • Ohhh, that's how that works.
    Thank you!
  • and ditto for issue when you're starting with the book item type (which is what I'd indeed do for periodical issues or volumes), so
    issue: 23
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