Help! I can't load a new Zotero on my laptop, it keeps loading my former work Zotero

I would like to start a new personal account, I used a new username, etc for registering. I deleted my former email work address from the Account Settings. I have never used my personal email for my former work Zotero. Yet, it keeps loading the old account, even after uninstalling. I don't want to just delete the library as I'm concerned it might delete the libraries for my former job. Help!
  • The local Zotero program just shows the local data on your computer. Uninstalling doesn't touch your data.

    If you created a new account, you can just set up syncing in the Sync pane of the preferences, and it will prompt you to clear local data and switch to that account. As it says, you should make sure you've either synced all data from the old account or made a backup before switching accounts.

    (If you don't want to sync the new library, you can just delete the Zotero data directory on that computer, but given that you created a new account I assume you do.)
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