in text citation without brackets

Dear colleagues,

I am looking for the help, how to make this... for example...

I get this "First, following (Goodman-Bacon 2018), we decomposeour estimator into its sources of variation."
but I need this "First, following Goodman-Bacon (2018), we decomposeour estimator into its sources of variation."
I can insert citation "without author", but then I have to insert the name manually, and it is not convenient.

Goodman-Bacon, A. (2018). Difference-in-differences with variation in treatment timing,Working Paper 25018, National Bureau of Economic Research.

Thanks a lot.
  • I can insert citation "without author", but then I have to insert the name manually, and it is not convenient.
    That's currently the only way to do this. A built-in version is planned.
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