Zotero Connector fails on Neurips Proceedings
I have tried to use the zotero-connector for some papers in the Neurips proceedings, but there seems to be an error.
Taking an arbitrary example: https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2020/hash/0004d0b59e19461ff126e3a08a814c33-Abstract.html
The connector icon changes, recognizing that this is a paper, but when clicking it, it only shows the "Saving to ..." menu, without doing anything.
I have tried this on two different computers (mac and linux) and different browsers (firefox and chromium).
Taking an arbitrary example: https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2020/hash/0004d0b59e19461ff126e3a08a814c33-Abstract.html
The connector icon changes, recognizing that this is a paper, but when clicking it, it only shows the "Saving to ..." menu, without doing anything.
I have tried this on two different computers (mac and linux) and different browsers (firefox and chromium).