Error Report 72935092: download associated file

When I save a record vom JSTOR it does not store the associated pdf file as an item. The user preference 'store associated files' is set to true. How can this be corrected?
  • Dan, do you have yet an idea how to solve the problem?
  • It saves the associated PDF for me from that URL (or a proxied version of that URL). I assume you've verified that you actually have access to the PDF from your location?

    If so, and you're still seeing this, generate debug output for the save attempt from the Advanced pane of the Zotero prefs, submit it to the server, and post the Debug ID here.
  • The Debug ID is D2047499566

    Thanks for your help, Chris
  • edited November 5, 2009
    You didn't answer my question above. Have you verified that you have direct access to the PDF from your location?

    From your debug output, it appears 1) you're going through some sort of authentication system before accessing JSTOR and 2) the file being downloaded isn't actually a PDF file, and so Zotero is deleting it. This likely means either you don't have access or whatever authentication/VPN/proxy system you're using doesn't support HTTP HEAD requests. (You should also make sure that "Accept third-party cookies" is enabled in the Privacy pane of the Zotero prefs, though I don't think the save would work at all otherwise.)
  • "Accept third-party cookies" in Mozilla Firefox Preferences was not enabled. It works now fine. Thanks.
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