How to search for pdf files without a parent element

I have a Norwegian version of Zotero, so not sure what "parent element" is the correct word. But I want to search for all stand alone pdf files (to give them the correct parent element). Is it possible to search for only those and if so, how do I do that? Thanks for any input about this!

Best regards,
  • @knutatle, @jukatz9:

    Two options to see all standalone attachments:

    1) Right-click on the column headers, add the Item Type column, sort by that, and look for Attachment.

    2) Create an advanced search for [Attachment File Type] [is] [PDF] and check "Show only top-level items". You can then double-click on results there to deal with them or create a saved search that you can keep until you've dealt with them all.
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