Error using Wikipedia style

When online, using a Zotero library, if I go to "Create Bibliography", and choose a style to format my citation, then everything works fine, unless I choose "Wikipedia templates". I get "Error: Unable to communicate with Zotero server". I asked some friends to try it, and they got the same error, which only occurs when trying to use this style. Is this a bug? Thanks in advance.
  • This isn't actually Wikipedia specific, it's just for newly added styles:

    The Web library gets the style list straight from, i.e. has all current styles, but actually loading style files onto the server only happens every so often, so that using newer styles with the web library fails.

    That's obviously a bug (and it's been around for quite some time), but it'll fix itself eventually, at least for the Wikipedia style.

    cc @tnajdek
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