Change Chicago Style superscript to [1]

Hello Guys,

I am using Chicago Manual of Style 17 th edition in the note version.
So far so good. Notes and their style are okay.

But where and what do I have to change if I like to have the number of the citation instead of superscript in [1]?

I do know how to change styles but not really what I am looking for in the code.

Cheers and happy new year!

  • I don't think you can. Chicago just uses the footnote function of the word processor and (at least in Word) I think the only options you have are superscript arabic and superscript roman numbers. In any case, this would get set in the word processor, Zotero doesn't format the footnote character at all.
  • thanks for the quick reply!

    Is there any way to get normal numbers with brackets [1], the footnotes (complete or shorten) and the complete biblography at the end?

    I was wondering if there is a way to add to "Thieme-German" or the Elsevier one footnote...

  • You could try this:

    As was said above, the footnotes are inserted via Word. So to edit them you'd need to look up Microsoft Word documentation etc.
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