Retrieve "Hide" items

Dear friend at customer support,
1-2 of my zotero sub-folders have “disappeared”. I must have accidently pressed the “hide” button (tried it on another folder and indeed it is now hidden) and I can’t seem to “unhide” them.
When I look for a certain article in “My library” main folder, the article is there, but the missing or hidden sub-folders are not.
I also checked the "Trash” bin and the sub-folders are not there, meaning they were not deleted.
Could you please advise how to retrieve them?

Thank you very much,

  • There is no hide button for collections. That's only an option for the built-in virtual collections like Unfiled Items. You can restore those by right-clicking on the library root.
    I also checked the "Trash” bin and the sub-folders are not there, meaning they were not deleted.
    Collections don't show up in the trash currently, so that's not meaningful. (A future version of Zotero will let you restore deleted collections from the trash.)

    You can check the collections containing the items that are still in your library to see if the collection was just accidentally moved.

    If you determine you deleted the collection by mistake, you can likely restore it from your last automatic backup.
  • Thank you for the information, it was very helpful!
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