Finding appropriate reference style

Hi everyone, hopefully someone will know the solution for this issue. My institution uses a very specific citation style based on classic Harvard. They recommended me to use APA6 but the problem is that Zotero style includes the initials in some of my references.

I check all the references to make sure the authors were written the same way and it keeps happening. So, I need a style that looks like this in case anybody knows an alternative.

"• The author’s name and the date of publication should be separated by a comma.
If there are two authors, their names should be separated by an ampersand, e.g.
(McNeely & Jackson, 2002)
• If there are more than two authors, only the first author’s name should be
included, followed by the Latin ‘et al.’ (never use italic for et. al.!), e.g.
(McNeely et al., 2002)
• There should never be more than three names, and preferably only two, cited in a
reference within running text.
• If multiple works are being cited, these should be separated by a semi-colon, e.g.
(McNeely et al., 2002; Jackson, 2002; Price & Jackson, 2002)
• If there are two or more works by a same author published in the same year, the
works should be distinguished by the addition of a lower-case alphabetical letter
immediately following the date of publication, e.g.
(McNeely, 2002a; McNeely, 2002b)"
  • APA adds initials to disambiguate the citations.
    If APA6 fits the bill otherwise, let us know and we tell you how to edit the style.
  • Hi, thanks a lot. So I found a style that fits the main text requirements (PeerJ). If you can tell me how to edit the style would be great, that way I can make one for the organisation.
    Thanks a lot!
  • edited December 22, 2021
    PeerJ disambiguates only with a,b... suffixes for me.

    In text:
    (Campbell & Pedersen, 2007a, b)


    Campbell JL, Pedersen OK. 2007a. Copy: The Varieties of Capitalism and Hybrid Success. Comparative Political Studies 40:3003.
    Campbell JL, Pedersen OK. 2007b. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 40:307–332. DOI: 10.1177/0010414006286542.


    Here's a guide to get you started editing your style:

    If you have specific questions please ask specifically, ideally by also sharing your edited style via, and we can help you with your issues.
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