Mass update pdf file in the new folder

I have a problem opening pdf file. I did move my Obsidian folder from Onedrive to Google Drive, this folder included Zotero references and pdf store folder.

I kinda understand why it could not show up as the path to open pdf file is not correct any more.

My question is: Is there a solution to mass update pdf folder path which is from the previous folder to the new folder path? Rather than locating each file again? :( Please help.

Thanks a lot!
  • edited December 19, 2021
    Hope @dstillman can shed some lights on this.
  • edited December 19, 2021
    (Please don't tag individual people for general issues.)

    The way to do this properly is to have set up a linked attachment base directory so that linked files are stored with relative paths. If you didn't do that before, you now have broken absolute paths. You can either move them back to the original location and set the LABD or use the Zutilo plugin to bulk-edit the paths.
  • Thank you so much for your advice. I just needed to change linked attachment base directory to the new folder that I stored attached files, everything worked out magically!

    And I'm sorry for the tag I made, that would never happen again.

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