A few field codes disappear in 250 page libreoffice document

I am working on a long libreoffice document with many images. I have found that the occasional Zotero field code unlinks/disappears from the libreoffice document. I have resorted to saving multiple older versions and going back to find the missing citation. At times, I have to recreate it from scratch, hoping that I've relinked to the correct zotero entry.

There seems to be little rhyme or reason as to why perhaps 3 or 4 codes disappear every once in a while.

Any ideas?
  • Are you storing citations as ReferenceMarks (check in Zotero document preferences)? I cannot recall anyone ever reporting anything like this. One possibility could be if you copy parts of document, paste it somewhere else and later remove the original parts. Unfortunately copying ReferenceMarks in LibreOffice is not supported, only cutting and pasting. I cannot think of anything else and nobody has ever reported anything like this before.
  • Hello, thank you for the quick response! I don't see the ReferenceMarks choice under document preferences; however I have sometimes used copy and paste when moving sections of text. Oddly enough though, when I copy and paste a reference from one LibreOffice doc (my backup copies) to the new one, the reference appears to copy without a hitch.

    I did notice that the maximum pages to index per file is 100 and I've exceeded that. I had turned off automatic bibliographic updating because it was so slow. Now I see that there is in fact a file size limit.

    So, perhaps both the file size and the fact that I have used copy and paste are factors.

    PS Also when I started using Zotero, I had no idea why the references were underlined and I removed the underline by hand. LOL. I hadn't realized that underlining was SUPPOSED to happen, as designed by Zotero.

    Thanks again for your help. I guess I'll just keep replacing the lost references as I find them. It's clumsy but usually works out.

  • I don't see the ReferenceMarks choice under document preferences
    You can check this in the Zotero plugin by pressing Document Preferences
    Oddly enough though, when I copy and paste a reference from one LibreOffice doc (my backup copies) to the new one, the reference appears to copy without a hitch.
    Yes, that is how that (confusingly) works. You cannot duplicate ReferenceMarks in the same LibreOffice document, but when you copy and paste them to another document they are not duplicates within that document.
    I did notice that the maximum pages to index per file is 100
    I'm not sure what you're saying here. Zotero plugin works for any number of pages.
    I had no idea why the references were underlined
    Yes, the underlining indicates that the reference was inserted with automatic citation updates disabled and it hasn't been properly updated (by hitting refresh).

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