Function suggestion: separate window of notes can be pined on the desktop

Then we can edit the note when reading the paper.
  • You can already open notes in a separate window. I'm not sure what you mean by "pinned on the desktop".
  • Now when I click another software, the separate window of note will disappear. If the window is pined, then it will always display on the top of other software.
  • We're not currently able to do that on a technical level, but it's something we've wanted to offer and will do so if it becomes possible in the future.
  • (There's also a new PDF reader in the Zotero beta, which will become Zotero 6, that includes a note editor pane alongside the PDF.)
  • Amazing!
    I will try it and thanks for your quick reply.
  • It is really regretful that the beta connector for Chrome has not been developed.
    What is your plan for this?
  • This doesn't have anything to do with the Zotero Connector.
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