Chinese book information change to Chinese pin-yin character

In the past, I input ISBN to get the detail of the Chinese book; it shows the Chinese characters correctly. But now, all Chinese characters changed to Chinese pin-yin(pronounication only).
What's the reason causing this?
May I get Chinese characters again?
  • That would just depend on the upstream metadata. What's the ISBN?
  • For example, I use ISBN(978-986-198-383-7)for a Chinese book named: 21世紀基督教靈修學導論, but now it shows: 21 shi ji Jidu jiao ling xiu xue dao lun

    Why system did the change suddenly? Can it change to the Chinese characters again?
  • edited December 3, 2021
    Again, this just depends on the upstream metadata. This wouldn't be a change in Zotero.

    Zotero is getting metadata for that book from WorldCat, which only provides the pin-yin (as you can see if you use the citation tool on the site). I'm not sure why, given that they clearly have the real title, but that's what's available.

    This is the RIS that's available from the site:

    TY - BOOK
    DB - /z-wcorg/
    DP -
    ID - 890209565
    LA - Chinese
    T1 - 21 shi ji Jidu jiao ling xiu xue dao lun
    A1 - Howard, Evan B.,, Li, Yongming, Zheng, Zhunyi,,
    Y1 - 2014///
    SN - 9789861983837 986198383X
    ER -
  • I understand.
    Thank you for your kind reply.
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