Why do some attachments has a link symbol and others don't?

Zotero, Zotfile, Zutilo, files in OneDrive.

Some of the attachments have the link icon on them others don't. I am running into that problem when various attachments can't be located even though they are right where they are supposed to be with the name Zotero says it can't find.

I cannot figure how to get Zotero to see that the attachment is in the right place and was wondering if the link icon meant anything. So frustrated right now.
  • edited December 2, 2021

    If you're confused by all of this, I'd strongly encourage you to use stored files. They just work. It's easy to break linked files if you don't set things up correctly.
  • I have 800 references across 3 computers. This used to work perfectly. Now I always get the popup that the file cant be located even though it is right were it is supposed to be.
  • Also, when i have my attachments in OneDrive, I can open the folder on my tablet or phone and read and mark up any pdf.
  • edited December 3, 2021
    Nothing has changed about how linked files work in Zotero. If you can't open the files, you've configured the Linked Attachment Base Directory incorrectly one or or more of the computers, or you haven't synced the files to all computers.

    The popup tells you exactly where it's looking. If it says a file doesn't exist at that path, it doesn't exist, likely because it's using an absolute path from another computer rather than a relative path from a correctly configured linked attachment base directory.
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